Channel Automation Tools


Who We Are ⮞

Why Vendors Love Working With Us

Whether you provide connectivity solutions, unified communications, cloud services, or any other technology—you’ve got the solution that corporations need to succeed. And you know that in order to grow your business, you need to get your offering in the hands of more corporate customers.

You also know that those same corporate customers aren’t easily sold. They don’t want to work with a dozen different providers to find the solutions they need, and they’re not very receptive to new sales agents, either. That’s where we come in.

40 years of experience ⮞

Consulting And Education

First and foremost, XaaS1 is a source of education and training for both vendors and Technology-as-a-Service sales agents. With more than 40 years of experience in the business automation field, we’ve seen the ins and outs of what makes a successful channel between technology providers and their corporate clients.

We are well-versed in a variety of data, voice, security, and other business technologies. This expertise allows us to help you shape your solutions into a product that end users want and need. Our team is driven to provide sales agents with the right solutions and we’re always looking to add more vendors to our successful ecosystem. Interested in working with the best intermediary that this industry has to offer?


connecting successful vendors ⮞

Connections with Agents aND Clients

One of the greatest challenges for most vendors is getting their products into the right hands. The vendor clutter for most corporate consumers is suffocating, but once you’re in with their Technology-as-a-Service agent—you’re in.

We’ve created a state-of-the-art sales channel by connecting successful vendors—just like you—with knowledgeable agents to help streamline the entire process. We’re uniquely positioned to connect the vendors that create powerful solutions with the effective agents that can deliver them to the corporate end users that need them. Are you ready to cut through the clutter and drive adoption effortlessly?


digital marketing experts ⮞

Digital Marketing

We are so invested in helping our vendors get ahead that we’ve added another layer to our ecosystem. We’re happy to connect you with qualified agents and their corporate end users—and we want to help you expand your reach even further.

We work with highly skilled digital marketing experts to create and deploy successful digital marketing strategies, and we want you to take advantage of their expertise, too. Whether you need to rebuild an old website, deploy a digital advertising campaign, or you are looking to revamp your entire digital marketing strategy—we have the professionals to help. Is your digital marketing strategy helping or hurting your customer adoption?


Contact Us⮞

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Interested in driving growth? Have a general question? We're just an email away.

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Our Location

423 Second Ave., Ste. B, Gallipolis, OH 45631

Call Us Today

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9am - 5pm

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